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Applications you need if you are going to live in the US

Applications you need if you are going to live in the US

If you are coming to live in the United States, or are already here, there are applications you need: they will make your life easier, make everything more practical and manageable, and multiply your entertainment possibilities. At Lingua Language Center, we have...
What is the cultural etiquette in English-speaking countries?

What is the cultural etiquette in English-speaking countries?

When we talk about cultural etiquette in English-speaking countries, we are referring to the manners of English-speaking people. What is considered good or bad manners? What is the right thing to do in each circumstance? Perhaps we have not realized it, but in Spanish...
What are the requirements for the F-1 student visa?

What are the requirements for the F-1 student visa?

Meeting the requirements for the F-1 student visa is a process that many young people fear due to lack of information. But here we will provide a solution to that problem by listing all the steps to obtain this type of visa. The F-1 Visa is designed for immigrant...
Top 10 Best College Majors in the USA in 2024

Top 10 Best College Majors in the USA in 2024

What are the top 10 best college majors in the USA in 2024? This selection is based on the growing demand for these disciplines in the country and the job opportunities behind them. We hope that this article will serve as a guide for Latin American students who aspire...
How to get into an American university?

How to get into an American university?

Despite the increase of Latin American students in the U.S. higher education system in recent years, many people are still wondering how to get into an American university. In recent years, the representation of Hispanic students in U.S. universities has experienced...
What qualification is required to study in the United States?

What qualification is required to study in the United States?

When it comes to getting into a prestigious university, many people worry about their grades. That is why the question of what qualification is required to study in the United States is so recurrent. The U.S. college admissions process is a path full of challenges and...