Do you know the names of vegetables in English? If not, stay and read on, because this information will be of great use to you.
Imagine you are in a restaurant and you want to tell the waiter that you don’t want garlic in your food, for example. If you don’t have anyone around to translate for you, you’re likely to find yourself in a real bind, or you may simply have to eat garlic.
What if you are allergic to a vegetable? You may think of looking up the translation of the food you can’t eat on your phone, but the most practical thing to do will always be to learn the names of the vegetables, which are usually easy to remember.
Learning the names of vegetables in English can make your life much easier if you are in an English-speaking country such as England, Ireland, Australia or the United States. But it can also provide you with a real communication bridge if you are in a nation where English is not spoken – after all, it is today’s universal language.
Below, we have provided the names of 30 vegetables in English and their meanings in Spanish for you to memorize.
Vegetales in English and its meaning in Spanish
- Artichoke: Alcachofa
- Asparagus: Espárragos
- Basil: Albahaca
- Beans: Frijoles
- Beetroot: Remolacha
- Bell pepper: Pimiento
- Broccoli: Broccoli
- Brussels sprouts: Coles de Bruselas
- Carrot: Zanahoria
- Cauliflower: Coliflor
- Celery: Apio
- Chard: Acelga
- Chickpeas: Garbanzos
- Corn: Maíz
- Cucumber: Pepina
- Eggplant: Berenjena
- Fennel: Hinojo
- Garlic: Ajo
- Kale: Col rizada
- Leek: Puerro
- Lettuce: Lechuga
- Mushroom: Champiñones
- Onion: Cebolla
- Peas: Guisantes
- Potato: Papa
- Radish: Rábano
- Rosemary: Romero
- Rutabaga: Nabos
- Spinach: Espinaca
- Sweet potatoes: Patatas dulces
- Tomatoes: Tomates
How to memorize the names of vegetables in English or Spanish?
One technique you can apply to memorize the names of vegetables in English or Spanish is the individual repetition of each word over and over again. But it will be much more practical for you, that every time you see that vegetable in your daily life, you think of it in English. This way it will stay with you forever.
In any case, that technique will be incomplete and will remain isolated if you do not start taking English classes. Only in this way, each name will have a real utility in your daily life, and you will be able to face a real immersion in the language without problems.
If you want this to happen, write to us. At Lingua Language Center, we have English classes for all levels so that you can acquire the language quickly and truly.
Of course, everything takes time, but depending on how much English you can currently understand, the faster you will reach the goal of speaking it completely.
We have different English courses. All are adapted to your time requirements and the urgency with which you need to learn the language; they all are ready for you.
If you are in the United States, you can go to any of our locations in Florida. If you are in another country, you can come with our full immersion programs or simply take the online courses we offer, we are waiting for you!